About me

I’ve been programming for a large part of my life. Since I was about 10 or 11 years old in fact. It started with animated PowerPoint slides, progressing into batch scripts on Windows, then some adventures in C++ before I landed in C# and Lua as my main languages.

I don’t remember how I ended up with C#, but since my platform at the time was Windows and I had started using Visual Studio for my C++ code, C# was close at hand. The reason for learning Lua was much simpler: World of Warcraft. Since the game uses Lua for its AddOn API, I started learning it when I wanted to add functionality to the game.

My very first (at least first real) AddOn for WoW was Chocobo. A friend wanted chocobo music from Final Fantasy to play when they used certain mounts in the game reminiscent of the chocobos, so I made it reality!

On the C# side, I was doing mostly utility things and homework-style projects from the book “Head First C#”. Some of the projects can be found on my GitHub profile, but others have sadly been lost, as I did not utilize any version control software in the very beginnings.

I continued to maintain my programming interest throughout my early life and into higher education. Beginning with an engineering programme at high school and then pursuing a computer science degree at university.

Present day

Today I work professionally as a programmer, living the dream as it were. Currently doing C# work at Ninetech as a Systems Developer. A job I managed to secure straight out of university, in large thanks to the mentoring programme at Karlstad University.

C# is probably the language I’m most passionate about, closely followed by Ruby. But I enjoy trying out various different languages and technologies!

I also maintain a bunch of hobby projects on my free time, including this personal website. Other notable hobby projects include…


A powerful and elegant C# library for Razer Chroma’s SDK.

Essentially a wrapper around Razer’s own C++ SDK for their Chroma APIs. Designed to be familiar and friendly to C# developers, taking care of all nasty native code shenanigans and presenting an API designed for use in the .NET ecosystem.

cshrix & cshrix-bot

Work-in-progress library and bot for the Matrix protocol. Made with C# targeting .NET Standard.

Sort of a successor to my earlier projects chatrix and chatrix-bot.


A Kotlin implementation of the Lox programming language. This project was made following the excellent book “Crafting Interpreters” by Bob Nystrom.

Advent of Code solutions

I maintain a repository on GitHub for my solutions to the Advent of Code annual event. I do them in a variety of languages, but mainly scripting/dynamic languages as they tend to be quicker to write solutions in.

Want to get in touch with me? Go visit the contact page for ways to find me!